In Israel, there are Basic Laws with constitutional status. However, since they fail to comprehensively address the matters they touch upon, they remain insufficient. As a result, the political system ...
The author and businessman Alexander Moissis retraced the footsteps of his great-grandmother’s uncle Nissim Levis in Ioannina, a small city in Greece’s mountainous northwest. He walked down the rough ...
Could you tell us a little about ‘Jews of Tire Project’? How did it start? I am the director of external relations and social projects at the Municipality of Tire, Izmir Province in western Turkey. In ...
Millions of Turkish citizens will celebrate Republic Day today remembering the eternal words of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, "One day my mortal body will turn to dust, but the Turkish Republic will stand ...
Hollywood´s famous couple Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones visited the Kuzguncuk Synagogue in Istanbul during the world tour they are taking with their children. Hollywood's famous couple ...
Two weeks ago Sunday, while I was getting ready to take a tour of Galata district, one of the writers from our newspaper told me that while she was doing the same tour, she stopped to browse around ...
Known for his contributions to the community in almost every field, Rafael Torel, Honorary Advisor to Chief Rabbinate, a philanthropist who not only had an open mind, but also an open heart, passed ...
İzmir Musevi Cemaati Vakfı´nın Türk Yahudi Ketubaları ve İzmir Düğün Fotoğrafları sergisi açıldı. Sergi, Ramazan Bayramı ...
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Cumhurbaşkanlığı Külliyesi´nde düzenlenen iftar programında dini azınlık temsilcileriyle ...
Kut-ul Aamare Savaşı 2 (Nisan 1916): Bağdat’ı almayı çalışan İngiliz ordusu, Alman General Goltz’un 3 stratejik tavsiyeleri ...
İstanbul’un seçilmiş belediye başkanı Ekrem İmamoğlu’nun tutuklanması dünya basınında geniş yankı uyandırdı.
İsrail’de anayasa hükmünde Temel Kanunlar var. Ancak bunlar değindikleri konuları tam çerçevelemediklerinden yetersiz ...