Find out what percentage of adults have joined or left Buddhism, or remained Buddhist since childhood, in six countries. Pew ...
Shortly after dawn, more than 200 monks from an order of Tibetan exiles carry carefully bundled scriptures and 108 gold-gilt ...
Torso of Buddha statue unearthed at Ta Prohm Temple, Cambodia. TA PROHM, CAMBODIA—Archaeologists discovered the torso of a ...
An archaeological excavation team was shocked to find a fully intact Buddha torso statue from the 12 th or 13 th century ...
Surprise find at ancient temple could complete century-old puzzle - The discovery is a match for another made in 1927 ...
Archaeologists at Ta Prohm temple in Cambodia have discovered a 800-year-old Buddha torso that matches a statue head found in ...
Archaeologists excavating Cambodia’s Angkor Wat temple complex have made a stunning discovery that could help solve a century ...
Archaeologists in Cambodia have made a breakthrough discovery that could solve a century-old puzzle. A Buddha statue torso ...
Archaeologists in Cambodia are celebrating an unexpected find at the country’s centuries-old Angkor temple complex: the torso ...
Archaeologists in Cambodia found the torso of a Buddha statue during the second excavation at Ta Prohm Temple in the Angkor ...
Today, the statue in the New Jersey Buddhist Vihara and Meditation Center has become a hub for interfaith efforts and a ...