The Cognitive Covenant reframes our interaction with AI not as a transaction, but as a relationship. It is an agreement to ...
Learn the secrets behind AI's inner workings, from logical circuits to intervention tools, and how they shape the future of ...
“AI can be a valuable tool for businesses, enhancing copywriting, imagery and customer service,” Salloum says. “At Collective ...
Right now, in the tech industry paddock, there are 372 AI unicorns, according to PitchBook. How did you react to that number?
In its report, Centre highlights need to educate users on identifying deepfakes. These observations came on a batch of ...
Mike Edmunds and Zbig Sobiesierski argue that student learning can be boosted by enthusiasm, engagement and enablement ...
Instead, by using a new technique that allowed them to peer into the inner workings of a language model, they observed Claude ...
Social media platforms have called for mandatory AI labelling standards and grievance redressal mechanisms to crack the whip ...
The European Commission recently published guidance on the definition of an AI system and prohibited AI practices. In addition, the third draft of ...
Two juveniles charged with nearly 500 combined crimes for creating AI-generated nude images of students at Lancaster Country ...
What is Regenerative Agriculture? The global agricultural system is not only obsolete and failing to feed the world’s ...
Prior to the stakeholders’ meeting, the MEITY’s panel looking at deepfake issues had opined there should be “mandatory ...