Flower shape and size impact urban bee survival. Discover how planting diverse blooms can support wild bee populations.
Maeda Mameo's Honey Bunnies renders a large number of glistening 3D rabbits in a dynamic flood of gloopily-drawn honey. My ...
About 90% of flowering plants rely on animals to transfer their pollen and optimize reproduction, making pollination one of ...
Pesticides, widely used to protect crops from pests, often unintentionally harm pollinators like bumble bees. A new study, ...
A majority of beekeepers around the country have lost at least half of their honey bees in a mysterious disappearance over ...
A Microscopic Look at our Native Bees,” has been installed at the UC Santa Barbara library to showcase some of the true local bees in the area in an effort to change the public's perception of native ...
Is panelist Ken Jeong on the right track when it comes to guessing one of the masked celebrities in The Masked Singer Season ...
Two common gut parasites have been found to alter the behavior and physiology of honeybees in ways that could harm the health ...
A bee sting may cause an allergic reaction or a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction can vary, but may include hives, a swollen throat or tongue ...
Honey Singh's 'Millionaire India Tour' begins in Mumbai He said he is rehearsing for the show for the first time in 15 years The show features a six-piece band and new choreography Rapper and musician ...
A “fuzzy watermelon”-looking animal in Washington is winning over the hearts of people on social media. Ume is a white striped and speckled Malayan tapir calf that was born Feb. 2 at the Point ...