Glargine U300 use was common, especially with increased CKD stages and baseline HbA1c levels among patients with type 2 diabetes.
The plant will make three types of insulin, which Civica has pledged to sell for $30 a vial and $55 for a box of five pens.
USA: A study published in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism found that insulin glargine-lixisenatide (iGlarLixi) significantly improves time-in-range (TIR) and reduces time-above-range (TAR) ...
High insulin sensitivity allows the body’s cells to use blood glucose more effectively, reducing blood sugar. Some lifestyle, self-care, and dietary changes may help increase insulin sensitivity.
Attorney General Aaron M. Frey announced a settlement agreement with Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC after scrutiny over the company’s pricing of insulin products.
1 Two insulin glargine biosimilars, Semglee (insulin glargine-yfgn) and Rezvoglar (insulin glargine-aglr), were previously approved, making Merilog the third overall insulin biosimilar to be greenlit ...
The hormone insulin plays a key role in the development of obesity. The brain's sensitivity to insulin is associated with long-term weight gain and unhealthy body fat distribution. What specific ...
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Merilog (insulin-aspart-szjj), a biosimilar to Novolog (insulin aspart), to improve glycemic control in adults and pediatric patients with diabetes ...
Justice Martin Burns told the court that Brendan was a "dangerous, highly manipulative" man who allegedly convinced Jason to deny his daughter insulin. Burns said he believed that if the group ...