Japan's government expanded its state of emergency on Wednesday as the country battles its most serious wave of coronavirus infections yet. Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto, Aichi, Gifu, Fukuoka and Tochigi ...
Japan's Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide has announced that the coronavirus-related state of emergency will end on Thursday. It will be the first time in nearly six months without any emergency ...
28 officially decided to allow the state of emergency declared for 19 prefectures, including Tokyo and Osaka, to expire on Sept. 30. The plan was approved by the government’s expert panel on ...
Japan has previously tapped into its reserves to cope with disasters, but this marked the first time since the stockpile was built in 1995 that it was doing so because of supply chain problems ...
The Japanese government began a rare auction on Monday of its emergency rice stockpiles in a bid to help drive down the surging price of the national staple. Rice shortages driven by factors from poor ...