9 marca 2025 roku Jakub Tolak obchodzi 43. urodziny. Aktor, znany przede wszystkim z serialu "Klan", od 2016 roku jest związany z Zofią Samsel, z którą ma córkę, Antoninę. Poznali się na Tinderze.
Jakub Tolak i Zofia Samsel znów wyruszyli w podróż kamperem. Teraz ten własnoręcznie robiony zastąpili wypożyczonym. Pozwolili sobie jednak na małe modyfikacje. Wszystko po to, by ...
The British singer, 36, shared a photo dump with her 13.8 million followers on Monday, which included a mirror selfie where was dressed in all black. She had her right hand on her stomach which ...
Jessie J has joked that she's turning her back on her music career for now, and is setting her sights on a new career in comedy instead. The Price Tag singer, 36, revealed: “I actually genuinely ...
LEGO announced earlier this year that we'd be getting new Minecraft Movie sets, and the time has finally come for them to be released into the world. There are four new Minecraft sets that you can ...
I love the BrickHeadz series of LEGO sets. They’re just adorable. They’re kind of like pixelated NES-style renderings of favorite characters. These new sets feature the Transformers Optimus ...
Ja bym nie zostawił złotych pierścionków i 600 euro - bronił się Zdzisław W. "Malowany", recydywista oskarżony o zamordowanie niemieckich emerytów podróżujących po Polsce kamperem.
If you're a Harry Potter fan, you probably know Jessie Cave from her portrayal of Lavender Brown in the iconic film series. Rupert Grint and Jessie Cave in a medieval hall setting, engaged in ...
Americans Jessie Diggins and Julia Kern won a medal in cross-country skiing’s team sprint for a second consecutive world championships, taking silver following their bronze two years ago. Diggins, now ...
LEGOLAND is launching a new festival in May celebrating play, creativity, and imagination. The festival will feature five interactive zones, 49 new LEGO models, and a "Play Pact" initiative.
“Harry Potter” star Jessie Cave has launched a “niche” OnlyFans account with the hopes of getting “out of debt.” The 37-year-old actress, best known for playing Ron Weasley’s one ...
Po niemal 13 latach od zbrodni doczekaliśmy się wreszcie początku procesu. 19 maja 20112 r. Silke G. († 63 l.) i Peter H. († 62 l.) zostali brutalnie zamordowani na warszawskich Siekierkach.