No crumbs were left behind at Cake Picnic in San Francisco on Saturday as attendees gawked, photographed and ultimately ate 1 ...
Founder of Cake Picnic Elisa Sunga joined host Racheal Maurer to share details about the sweet 'no cake, no entry' event ...
Andrew J Mortimer, is the Spanish Legion Brigade’s only British Legionnaire of Honour.
To commemorate the day, the La Crosse County Council of the American Legion hosted a "Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home" ceremony ...
The Legion also hosts the Wood Buffalo Military Museum. A Chieftain tank used in the British Army is parked outside near a ...
The American Legion Post #83 in Eugene in hosting an honor ride Saturday for Sgt. Logan DeLanoy, who died April 1, 2024.
A collision between a motorcycle and a black sedan at the intersection of River Road and Irvington Drive impacted traffic ...
The nonprofit has raised about $266,000 for Honor Bell No. 2, and hopes to raise a total of $330,000 for casting and one year ...
The Department of Vermont American Legion held its 74th High School Constitutional Speech contest at the White River Jct. VA Medical Center Conference Center on Sat.
The LC Valley will host its first-ever Veterans Fair this Saturday, organized by the American Legion Post 246 Clarkston, ...
Lenovo has the honor of releasing the first SteamOS handhelds not made by Valve, and it looks like you won't have to wait ...
They love baking it, sharing it. So it was a huge disappointment for them and hordes of other San Franciscans to be shut out of Saturday’s massive Cake Picnic event at the Legion of Honor.  The sugary ...