A thresher shark conservation effort in eastern Indonesia focusing on alternative sources of income has reduced up to 90% of ...
Scientists visited fish markets and ports in search of sharks, ghost sharks, rays and skates caught by fishermen. Take a look at their finds.
The octopus in question was no lightweight. It was a Māori octopus, the largest octopus species in the Southern Hemisphere.
Somehow, a large orange octopus has been riding a mako shark off the coast of New Zealand. Researchers are mystified.
"One of the best things about being a marine scientist is that you never know what you might see next in the sea," writes ...
A recent sighting in New Zealand showed that the sea is full of surprises. While on a research trip, marine scientists observed an octopus attached to the head of a shortfin mako shark.
A sight that even experienced marine biologists don't see every day: An octopus clings to the head of the world's fastest shark — and is comfortably carried away. What this unusual encounter is all ...
An octopus got to rest its many legs when it ended up aboard a mako shark for a leisurely ride. In a video captured in ...
Researchers in New Zealand captured the odd pairing on video, but they still don’t know how to explain the behavior ...