Mr Sparkes, from Mencap, added: "Jordan's family battled tirelessly to ensure their 30-year-old son could access treatment.
Rt Hon Rachel Reeves MP Chancellor of the Exchequer HM Treasury 1 Horse Guards Road London SW1 2HQ Dear Chancellor, Recent ...
Nationwide and Mencap have partnered for a brilliant cause, as they come together to create 'Easy Read' guides. The guides ...
Many across the country rely on Personal Independence Payments (PIP) as a lifeline to support them with the extra costs of ...
James Taylor, executive director of strategy at disability equality charity Scope, said: “The biggest cuts to disability ...
Major changes to benefits were announced yesterday (Tuesday, March 18) by Leicester West MP and Secretary of State for Work ...
Heartfelt messages have been paid to 44 much-loved Somerset locals in the latest funeral and death notices this week.
Jon Sparkes, chief executive at learning disability charity Mencap, said: “While it is welcome that the Government is trying to break down barriers to work and improve employment support ...