Tryptamine psychoactive substances, such as α-methyltryptamine (AMT), are monoamine alkaloids characterized by an indole ring ...
Most also applauded the speed of Trump’s actions and executive orders, accepted mass firings and budget freezes as the cost of remaking government, and said they would withhold judgment on Musk ...
The leader of the Massachusetts Teachers Association was grilled for hours in the State House this week over materials the organization made available to teachers about the Israel-Hamas conflict ...
Supramolecular Chemistry Group, Centre of Macromolecular Chemistry (CMaC), Department of Organic, Macromolecular Chemistry, Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281 S4, 9000 Ghent, Belgium ...
As an expert in forensic anthropology and mass casualties in conflict, I was asked to evaluate what became known as the “Caesar photographs.” What was clear to me then, and is even more so now ...