The past few months have been grueling for America’s art and music institutions, which have come under threat as President Donald Trump takes aim at dismantling diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) ...
MUMBAI's FD Alpaiwalla Museum, the world's only Parsi and Zoroastrian museum, showcases the community's rich cultural history ...
For nearly two decades, cinematic art that counters negative stereotypes, combats false narratives and offers first-hand insight about the continent of Africa have been showcased at Washington ...
President Donald Trump on Thursday revealed his intention to force changes at the Smithsonian Institution with an executive ...
By Kathy Chouteau A series of events celebrating art, history and community are approaching at the Richmond Museum of History ...
Over nearly six decades, this fantastically inventive artist experimented with paint, turning it into a sculptural medium.
The Art and Culture of Panafrica" is on view at the Art Institute of Chicago and traveling to museums in Barcelona and ...
From Faith Ringgold’s visionary storytelling to Adam Pendleton’s poetic protest, these presentations are sure to move both ...