Honeycomb is a valuable resource from beehives and bee nests in Minecraft, essential for making candles, waxed copper, and more. To collect it safely, ...
Most pollinators work under our radar and are easily overlooked when a garden receives the admiring human gaze. A closer look into the flower of a plant in bloom may reveal a small invertebrate ...
If you are having tomato fruit set problems try this simple toothbrush trick to get more tomatoes! The electric toothbrush acts like the buzz of a bee to help free the pollen and fertilise the flower- ...
With the honey bee crisis continuing it's even more important to encourage native bees to ensure good pollination in the backyard vegetable garden and orchard. Just one hive is plenty for the average ...
Spring officially starts on March 20, but warm weather and blooming flowers usually come early in Arizona. Here's how you ...
Paleontologists believe that Leioproctus barrydonovani inhabited broadleaf forests surrounding a Miocene maar lake—a crater ...
F inding fossils of any species is an exciting discovery for science, but some are a little bit more special than others. In ...
Is your garden in need of more pollinators? Plant zinnias with this stunning companion flower that is sure to add color and ...
The use of products from buzzing insects has a long tradition. How honey, propolis, bee venom and even the hive air can be ...