Under the Trump administration, churches are now thinking more expansively about the concept of sanctuary to include migrants ...
The tradition of only eating fish on Good Friday comes from a Catholic rule of not consuming the meat of warm-blooded animals on Fridays. When this rule was decreed by the Catholic Church, many opted ...
It’s a busy season for the court, with numerous cases addressing issues of church and state, many brought by Christian legal ...
Father Professor Andrzej Kobylinski, head of the Department of Ethics at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, ...
Lent always occurs at this time of year. Ramadan rotates around the calendar. This year, they coincide, with Christian ...
When 67-year-old Brad Sigmon was put to death on March 7 in South Carolina for the murder of his then-girlfriend’s parents, ...
Read about where Christianity has had the largest net losses, and how those who've left Christianity now identify religiously ...
Find out what percentage of adults have joined or left Judaism, or remained Jewish since childhood, in the U.S. and Israel.
A post shared on X claims that no Christian considered the deuterocanonical books scripture until the Council of Trent.
The Napa Institute works to promote the re-evangelization of the United States and the defense of Catholicism in the public ...
Catholic bishops in Kenya urged political leaders to make donations and acts of charity discreetly, in accordance with ...