Pacific Beach residents heard from City of San Diego finance experts details of the city’s projected $258 million budget ...
On March 20, a fire broke out in a second-story apartment on Del Monte Avenue in Ocean Beach. According to 911 Video News, no ...
The Country Friends Annual Spring Luncheon returns in April The Country Friends nonprofit will hold its Annual Spring ...
Most of the mudslinging appears to be between Aguirre and San Diego City Councilmember Vivian Moreno, two top Democratic ...
The City of San Diego is alerting drivers to plan ahead as road work is taking place on a busy section of Mission Bay Drive ...
The Port of San Diego is jumping on the parking fee increase bandwagon. The agency that operates 34 miles of coastline around San Diego Bay said they will increase parking meter rates at some ...
A t first glance, Seaport Village looks like a spot for tourists and photo ops, but there is more to it than just pretty ...
Summer has come a little early to San Diego this year, with leopard sharks already beginning to congregate off the coast of La Jolla for the season.
The Port Commissioner said looking up the coast past San Diego and down to Mexico is what makes this pier special.
The Shipyard, a Columbus, Ohio-based advertising agency, has announced that the San Diego office has been designated as the ...
Southern California beaches come in all sizes and specialties. From San Diego to Santa Barbara, some offer animal watching, ...
The Office of the State Fire Marshal released new maps that indicate which parts of San Diego County are in a very high-risk zone for fires.