The 24b ADC IP has a fourth-order, inherently stable, delta-sigma (ΔΣ) modulator that provides good noise and linearity performance designed for the needs of industrial process control, precision ...
The digital filter can be programmed for a fast settling mode where the conversions settle in a single cycle, or programmed. View 24-bit 14.4Ksps Analog front end (AFE) having sigma delta ADC for ...
Microcontrollers (MCUs) targeting intelligent sensing and control applications are integrating high-speed analog peripherals to enable computationally intensive applications that require advanced ...
Abstract: This paper introduces the Artificial Intelligence-Driven Energy-efficient Analog-to-Learning system (AIDEAL), an AI-enabled in-sensor computing platform designed to enhance energy efficiency ...
This library allows use of the CN0349 Board, the AD5934 chip, and/or the ADG715 chips to read temperature and impedance/admittance The AD5934 chip needs to be calibrated to correctly measure the ...