Nestled away in the Indian Ocean, the bank’s seagrass habitats are being decimated by a multinational fleet of fishing ships ...
When top ocean predators vanish, the ecosystems they leave behind don't just adapt—they transform in surprising and troubling ...
Oceanic researchers proved that “Jaws” isn’t the silent killer it’s depicted as after recording shark noises for the first ...
A study shows how the loss of Great white sharks from False Bay is disrupting the marine food web and threatening ocean ...
Researchers in New Zealand have made what they believe is the first recording of a shark actively making noise.
The spotted estuary smoothhound, or “rig shark”, a modest little shark with mosaic teeth and a fondness for crustaceans, ...
The first-ever sounds of sharks have been captured by researchers, according to a new study in the journal Royal Society Open ...
About a hundred years ago, when the historic village of Old Marco was young, the Doxsee Clam Factory was a thriving interest ...
Scientists have recorded young sharks making sounds for the first time, surprising researchers and challenging old beliefs.
For the first time, sharks have been recorded making sounds, breaking with the fish's long held reputation as a silent hunter ...
Can sharks be kept at bay without harm? A scientist is testing an electromagnetic barrier off Cape Cod to find out.