Of the 8.7 million species on Earth, why are human beings the only one that paints self-portraits, walks on the moon and ...
New research finds the brain's language-processing network also responds to artificial languages such as Esperanto and languages made for TV, such as Klingon on 'Star Trek' and High Valyrian and ...
Professor Im Joo Rhyu, director of the Korea University Graduate Program for Convergence & Translational Biomedicine and faculty member in the Department of Anatomy, led a study investigating the ...
The left hip and leg bones from a young female Paranthropus robustus discovered in South Africa show she was extremely short ...
At the underwater archaeology site of Gran Carro di Bolsena in Aiola, Italy, divers found an ancient clay figurine pegged to ...
The Sam Altman-backed startup Tools for Humanity pitches a blockchain-based solution to the bot problem. Chief architect ...
Microsoft Edge is your AI-powered browser that helps you achieve more. With unique features like Copilot, Designer, Vertical tabs, Read Aloud, and VPN, Edge helps you save time, save money and protect ...