Megalodon was likely a long, streamlined predator, not a bulky giant. Scientists compared its bones with modern sharks.
HEARTSTOPPING footage shows the moment two giant whales move in to protect a diver from a bloodthirsty shark. Benoît Girodeau ...
Since the whale shark is a filter feeder, the divers were not at risk of being eaten A giant whale shark looked ready to snack on a pair of amazed divers off the coast of Tubbataha, Philippines.
In a rare ocean encounter, two 45-ton whales chase off a whitetip shark to protect a diver from potential danger.
It may have been comparable in length to today's biggest whale sharks, the largest of which has measured in ... have been one of the most powerful predators ever to have existed. Humans have been ...
Whale sharks are the world’s largest fish and are not known to nibble on humans. These gentle giants filter plankton and fish from the top of the ocean like a baleen whale and eat eight percent ...
A diver has shared remarkable footage of two giant whales coming to his rescue after an aggressive killer shark approached ...
Whale sharks are known for being gentle giants and humans are not on the menu. In fact, their gentle nature along with the algae found in their stomachs led some to mistakenly believe that they ...
Humpback Whale Jumps Out of Water Next to Tour ... Orcas are the great white shark's only predator, aside from humans. Killer whales grow up to 30 feet in length and can weigh more than six ...