As droughts reduce hydropower and clouds dim solar output around the world, experts say meteorology and climate science must be at the heart of the energy transition.The race towards renewable energy ...
After sifting through ocean current data dating back three decades, researchers at the Florida Atlantic University (FAU) have ...
These are difficult and challenging times for all of us, and sadly with this administration in power, it is likely to be this way for several more years. I’ll just report one of the most ...
These trends match our recent experience advising on hydrogen matters. One green hydrogen pathway is evolving to take the ...
A recent paper under open review and discussion at the Center for Open Science delves deeply into evidence of conflicts of ...
For the general public, hydroelectric power is associated with dams and water wheels. But at the University of Michigan, ...
In Douglas County alone, thousands were left without power for hours Wednesday, and some learning it could be days until their power is restored.
GBM Works has made progress with the development of its Vibrojet technology, designed to address noise pollution affecting ...
Installing wind turbines with limited underwater noise is difficult, a challenge that GBM Works is trying to beat with their ...
A coalition of commercial fishing groups has filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court, challenging the approval of Vineyard Wind 1. What we know.
The city of Valley is asking residents to reduce water usage. A power outage has put the major lift stations on generators, ...
During high wind conditions Tuesday, a single-family home fire was started by arcing displaced power lines, an Albuquerque Fire Rescue news release said. The house at 6008 Bellamah Ave. NE was empty ...