Celebrate 20 years of World of Warcraft with Phase 3 of the Anniversary Edition! From Remix: Mists of Pandaria to Icecrown ...
Phase 8 of WoW Classic Season of Discovery will begin on April 8, Blizzard has announced. That will be when players will be ...
World of Warcraft has been running for over 20 years now, and if that sentence doesn't inspire some sort of existential dread ...
Unbeknownst to most, the popular online multiplayer game World of Warcraft isn't just a role-playing game in the traditional sense. There's also a subculture using it for "erotic role-playing" (or ...
Our latest find is a 3D animator's "remaster" of Blizzard's legendary Warcraft III cinematic intro from 2009. Alireza Akhbariarabani created entirely new models using the same 3D modelling ...
World of Warcraft fans who like Legion have cause to celebrate ... Then, near the end of the epilogue cinematic after Gallywix’s defeat, Azir can be seen with the Dark Heart somewhere in ...
If the link is not working, try using the right mouse button/save link target as... You can only log in once at a time on a download server. If you want to download a ...
Once you’ve updated World of Warcraft (and updated all your addons — you didn’t forget that, right?) for patch 11.1, watched the very cool patch cinematic (dig it when those horns kick in!), finished ...
Patch 11.1 introduces Undermine in WoW, full of rare spawns for players to hunt down for rewards. There are three types of rare spawns: normal, rare Elites, and Cartel Elites, requiring different ...
Undermine. Home to Azeroth’s Goblin population, the underground metropolis has existed on the fringes of World of Warcraft for over a decade – just out of reach, yet within touching distance.