Users quickly began making the most of the policy change — sharing “Ghiblified” images of 9/11, Adolf Hitler, and the murder ...
Doomsday released its cast details, the internet has been buzzing about the same. The movie brings together old and new faces ...
There are many debates on the ethics of generating AI images, especially against the vocal anti-AI opinions of Studio Ghibli co-founder Hayao Miyazaki. Despite this, the fusion of internet culture ...
The internet has become a Studio Ghibli-inspired playground. Admirers of the Japanese animation studio are using a new update ...
The text of the meme read: "Sorry it took so long to get you a copy of my birth certificate. I was too busy killing Osama bin ...
Researchers prove that A.I. is better than people at crafting jokes that require no context and inspire no laughter.