Image Playground is getting integrated into Final Cut Pro for Mac and iPad, allowing easy generation of AI images.
Right now, the six most valuable technology companies in the world as measured by market capitalization are: Outside of these ...
Commentary: I want to see improvements to Apple Intelligence and Siri at WWDC 25 -- and recent rumors make me think Apple ...
A research might have revealed why Apple went with a mild iPad update instead of powering up the base-model with Apple ...
Apple has hundreds of terabytes of data for its Apple Maps Look Around feature, and the company is using that data to train ...
Perhaps defying Apple's very public claim that it is using Apple Silicon servers to run Apple Intelligence, an analyst ...
Gemini can tell you what it's looking at on your phone or through the camera way before Apple Intelligence can.
Cars responsible for collecting photos and 3D scans for Apple Maps Look Around feature have now a new task: Train Apple ...
Starting in March 2025, Apple will use blurred imagery captured during Apple Maps surveys to improve other services.
Instead of launching a new device like the Humane AI pin, Apple is exploring ways to build AI into its existing products.
As reported by Bloomberg, translation and other tools are enabled by letting AI “see.” Meanwhile, Apple has made promises ...
An Apple Watch with a camera could be used to give the best-selling wearable series visual intelligence, and let it interact ...