From stunning landscapes to vibrant street scenes, participants captured Japan through their unique lens. After careful selection, the winning entries are here—discover the standout shots!
Shizuoka is famous for it’s tea and the green rows of tea plantations make for a striking location from which to see Mt. Fuji. I was sure Mt. Fuji was stalking us. One minute, it was looming on our ...
Here is the digest video of the interview. Sustainable tourism is promoted, encouraging visitors to enjoy the natural beauty, history, and culture responsibly. Initiatives include using visitor photos ...
Shiretoko is an indigenous Ainu word that means the end of the earth. It’s a fitting description for this peninsula that stretches from the island of Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost, some 70 kilometers ...
The most prominent feature of the park is, of course, Mt. Fuji. The geological history of the 3,776-meter peak goes back millions of years, but the familiar conical silhouette of today was formed by ...
In Fukui, there’s a local saying that goes: “You can forget your lunch, but never forget your umbrella.” In fact, half of the year consists of rainy days, and the winters often see heavy snowfall. The ...
「All About Japan Photo and Video Contest: My Fave Japan」は、2024年12月~2025年1月にて我々All About Japan Tomodachi が主催したフォト&ビデオコンテストです。日本の自然、都市、文化、人々など、皆様が撮影 ...
新年来临,走亲访友时,常常会看到《八仙过海图》。铁拐李、汉钟离、吕洞宾、张果老、韩湘子、何仙姑、曹国舅以及蓝采和这八位仙人,早已成为中华文化中家喻户晓的人物。而在日本,若 ...
日本的第一大佛,见过的人不少,就是位于奈良东大寺的“卢舍那佛”,简称“奈良大佛”。这是扶桑最大的青铜佛像,高约15米。建于奈良时代(8世纪),是圣武天皇时期为祈求国家安宁而 ...
杉并区立中央图书馆于1982年开馆。以“自然与建筑的共生”为主题,外观采用统一的银色调,现代感十足且庄严的玻璃幕墙与象征性的喜马拉雅大杉树及建筑周围种植的树木完美融合,与周围 ...