In what is being described as a rare and exciting find, archaeologists in Egypt have uncovered a 3,200-year-old tomb that belonged to a military commander who served under the famous New Kingdom phara ...
Sparta represented the pinnacle of military excellence in ancient Greece, and they were both feared and respected for it.
A recent excavation near the village of Borimechkovo in Bulgaria’s Pazardzhik region unearthed the remains of a Late Roman village that was suddenly consumed by fire in the mid-fourth century AD and s ...
More and more discoveries are revealing the creative capacities and impressive intelligence of archaic human ancestors, who were not the unthinking brutes they were once portrayed as being.The latest ...
Its a well-known fact that the ancient pyramids of Egypt were built as tombs and memorials for pharaohs, their families, and other aristocratic Egyptians from the elite classes, as the ancient Egyptia ...