It has been revealed that Breckland Council spent a total of £100,000 on its ill-fated plan to bring in car parking charges.
Business and financial advisory firm Grant Thornton has launched a new team to support small and medium-sized businesses across East Anglia.
Police detained 15 drivers under the legal age of 17 last year for allegedly being in charge of a vehicle on the county's roads.
Cockley Cley Toad Patrol has been helping toads reach their breeding pond by crossing Swaffham Road between the church and the junction ...
A new survey has revealed that those living in Suffolk are having sex one more time a month than those living in Norfolk.
The biggest speeding hotspot in February was the A47 at Postwick on the outskirts of Norwich where 520 motorists were detected to be travelling over the limit. That was more than double the number at ...
Norfolk police made 2,835 arrests between December 2021 and November 2024 amid calls to slash drink driving limit.
Virgin Media O2 Business is donating more than 500 handsets via support services that could provide a lifeline.
Great Massingham, an "unspoilt" village near King's Lynn, has been named one of the 30 best villages in the country by the Telegraph.
Noah Crane is one of three Just Stop Oil protesters accused of throwing orange powder and letting off flare in 2023.
Norfolk council leaders have been accused of "dicing with people's lives" because of their objection to a speed limit cut on the A47.
Terry Jermy, Labour MP for South West Norfolk, has resigned from his councillor roles at Norfolk County Council and Breckland Council after being ...