A Texas lawmaker has introduced a bill to change the language in the state’s abortion laws to make it clearer when exceptions ...
Should the New York strip steak be renamed the "Texas Strip" and take on the "official State Steak of Texas" honor? Or what ...
Despite attempts to deny her existence, Mo Jenkins is steadfast in her public service mission to make life better for others.
Hundreds of Texas nurses are hoping to make their voices heard on the biggest current issues in the state's health policy.
The largest teachers union in Texas took action on what it calls "Legislative Advocacy Day" on Monday. Teachers, retirees and ...
After decades of growth in solar and wind put Texas among the nation’s top producers of renewable energy, the state’s leaders ...
Instead of relaxing during spring break this week, a Lubbock teen is hitting the road to emphasize the importance of Social Security after recent issues came to light on the ...
Hundreds debate Texas House Bill 3 on education savings accounts, with concerns over public school funding impacts.