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Jancis Robinson
Jancis has been voted the world's most influential wine critic in various polls in the US, France and internationally – although she describes herself as a wine writer rather than a wine critic. She founded JancisRobinson.com in 2000, selling the award-winning, subscription-only wine website to US digital publisher Recurrent Ventures in 2021 and then to Eisenhower Flagstaff in 2024.
Tasting notes | Jancis Robinson
Take full advantage of everything our award-winning site has to offer by becoming a member. With a membership, you’ll have access to over 272,000 tasting notes plus independent advice and massive amounts of news and opinion from a team of 22 international experts including 10 Masters of Wine.
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We are delighted to give members of JancisRobinson.com exclusive online access to the entire 5th edition of The Oxford Companion to Wine – including audio pronunciation guides to nearly 2,500 terms. A £50 value!
Team - Jancis Robinson
Sam, senior editor US, has been writing for JancisRobinson.com since her Diary of a Willamette cellar rat series in 2019. Since then, she has worked five harvests (bouncing hemispheres), collected her DipWSET, been shortlisted once for a Roederer International Wine Writers Award and twice for the IWSC Emerging Talent in Wine Communication Trophy, and won the Commanderie de Bordeaux Andre ...
Learn - Jancis Robinson
Wine & Spirit Education Trust. The big daddy of them all, the British wine trade's professional educational body now runs courses at a variety of levels for 85,000 students in over 70 different countries and 18 languages.
Jancis's diary – December 2024 | Jancis Robinson
15,410 featured articles; 273,381 wine reviews; Maps from The World Atlas of Wine, 8th edition (RRP £50) ; The Oxford Companion to Wine, 5th edition (RRP £50) ; Members’ forum
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Feb 7, 2025 · Become a Purple Pages member. We’re proud of the wine information we provide free on JancisRobinson.com but the really meaty opinion, inside tips and wine reviews are on our Purple Pages.
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